From Good to Great: Practical Strategies for Transforming Australian Businesses

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In the competitive business landscape of Australia, distinguishing your company as great rather than just good can be the difference between enduring success and mediocrity. Drawing from Jim Collins’ influential book “Good to Great,” this article offers actionable strategies that have helped global companies excel and provides a tailored approach for Australian businesses seeking to achieve similar success.

Learning from Market Leaders

Understanding what lifts a company from good to great starts with studying those who already have the experience. For Australian businesses, this means looking at both local and international examples that have sustained high performance and growth. Companies like Walgreens in the U.S. demonstrate the effectiveness of focusing on core strengths to achieve market leadership. Such case studies not only inspire but also offer a blueprint for applying these strategies within the Australian context.

The Hedgehog Concept

One of the central concepts introduced in “Good to Great” is the Hedgehog Concept. This idea emphasizes the importance of simplifying your business strategy to focus on three key elements:


  1. What can you be the best in the world at? This involves a realistic assessment of your company’s unique strengths.

  2. What drives your economic engine? Identify the key performance indicators that your business excels at financially.

  3. What are you deeply passionate about? Align your business with areas where your team’s passions lie.


By aligning your efforts around this core concept, you can create a clear and compelling direction for your company, ensuring that all decisions and actions are guided by a singular, unifying purpose.

Action Steps:

  • Conduct workshops to identify your company’s answers to the three Hedgehog questions.

  • Use these insights to redefine your business goals and operational focus.

Incremental Growth and Disciplined Execution

Contrary to popular belief, the path to greatness is not marked by sudden breakthroughs or radical transformations. Instead, as Collins argues, it is the result of a series of incremental improvements and disciplined execution over time. The book stresses the importance of consistently making small, purposeful steps towards your goals, building momentum and maintaining a steady trajectory towards success. This incremental approach allows companies to make meaningful progress without becoming overwhelmed or losing sight of their ultimate objectives. Australian businesses should adopt a disciplined approach, focusing on making small, purposeful steps towards strategic goals.

Integrating Technology Wisely

Technology plays an increasingly important role in modern business, but “Good to Great” cautions against pursuing technology for its own sake. While innovative tools and systems can be powerful enablers of growth, the book advises companies to view technology as a means to accelerate their progress towards their strategic objectives, rather than as an end in itself. By carefully integrating technology into their existing business model and operations, companies can enhance their capabilities and competitiveness without becoming overly reliant on the latest trends or losing sight of their core purpose.


Technology should be used to bolster your business’s core capabilities, not redefine them. Successful companies use technology as an accelerator of momentum towards their strategic objectives. For example, how Walgreens integrated e-commerce into their existing operations can serve as a model for Australian businesses looking to enhance their digital presence without losing sight of their fundamental business model.

Level 5 Leadership

Leadership is a critical factor in the success of any organization, and “Good to Great” introduces the concept of Level 5 Leadership to describe the unique qualities of exceptional leaders. Level 5 leaders possess a rare combination of personal humility and professional will, prioritizing the success of their organization above their own ego or individual interests. These leaders are driven by a deep sense of responsibility to their company and its stakeholders, and they are willing to make difficult decisions and take bold actions in service of their long-term goals. By embodying these qualities and setting a clear vision for their organization, Level 5 leaders inspire and empower their teams to achieve extraordinary results.

Getting the Right People on Board

In addition to strong leadership, “Good to Great” emphasizes the importance of assembling the right team. Collins argues that the foundation of any great company is having the right people in the right roles and that this should be a top priority for business leaders. Rather than simply focusing on technical skills or experience, the book advises companies to prioritize hiring and retention based on an individual’s fit with the company’s culture, values, and long-term objectives. By building a team of talented, committed individuals who share a common purpose and vision, companies can create a powerful engine for growth and success.


Jim Collins’ principle of “First who, then what” underscores the importance of assembling a team that shares the company’s vision. Australian companies should prioritize hiring individuals who not only have the necessary skills but also fit well with the company culture and share its long-term goals.


  • Hiring Based on Cultural Fit: Beyond skills or experience, prioritize potential employees who resonate with your company’s culture and long-term vision.

  • Team Alignment Workshops: Regularly conduct alignment sessions to ensure all team members understand and commit to your business’s core values and objectives.

Benefits of the Right Team:

  • Enhanced Cohesion: A team aligned in culture and vision works more cohesively towards common goals.

  • Increased Effectiveness: Employees who fit well with the organization are more likely to be engaged and productive.

  • Long-term Success: Teams that share a common purpose and understand their roles in the broader vision are pivotal in driving sustainable growth.

Confronting the Brutal Facts

Greatness requires not only continuous improvement but also the courage to face and address the brutal truths of your business’s situation. Establishing a culture where employees feel safe to voice concerns and challenges can help Australian businesses navigate obstacles more effectively.


Achieving greatness requires a willingness to confront the brutal facts and make difficult decisions. “Good to Great” stresses the need for honest, open communication and a culture that encourages employees to speak truth to power. By creating an environment where problems are addressed head-on and where individuals feel empowered to voice their concerns and ideas, companies can identify and overcome obstacles more effectively. This commitment to brutal honesty and continuous improvement is essential for managing the challenges and uncertainties of the business world.

Establishing a Culture of Discipline

Discipline is another key ingredient in the “Good to Great” framework. The book argues that great companies are characterized by a culture of self-discipline, where individuals at all levels are committed to the organization’s goals and values. This discipline extends beyond individual behaviour to encompass a company’s strategic decisions and resource allocation. By ensuring that all actions and investments are aligned with the Hedgehog Concept and the company’s long-term objectives, leaders can maintain focus and avoid distractions and temptations that can derail progress.


A culture of discipline is essential for any company that aims to go from good to great. This means aligning all strategies, operations, and tactics with the company’s central Hedgehog Concept. For Australian businesses, maintaining this discipline ensures consistency and focus amid the market’s competitive pressures.


Achieving greatness is within reach for any Australian company willing to commit to disciplined thought and action. By understanding and implementing the principles discussed in “Good to Great,” businesses can develop a clear strategic direction, align their operations to core competencies, and drive sustainable growth. The path from good to great is not easy, but with the right approach, it is certainly possible for Australian businesses to achieve and sustain greatness.


To take your business to new heights, you need a well-thought-out strategy, unwavering dedication, and the support of knowledgeable professionals. If you’re looking for comprehensive financial advice and tactical guidance to help you create an outstanding organization, don’t hesitate to reach out to Grey Space Advisory. Our team of experts is ready to assist you on your path towards greatness.


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